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Ετικέτα: ρύζι

ριζότο με πορτοκάλι, σαφράν και δεντρολίβανο

Some risottos are better made with water instead of stock, today we prepare one ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 3 € pp) There is…

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ριζότο με πλοκάμια σουπιάς, κίτρινα κολοκυθάκια και φύτρες

I often prepare this risotto to consume the tentacles, which I haven´t used in some other dishes. If we do not have sprouts, we substitute…

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Ισπανικό "υγρό" ρύζι με αμμοσωλήνες, σαφράν και αποξηραμένα άγρια μανιτάρια

Date mussels are difficult to find, but you can also use another kind of seafood! ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 6 € pp) Having…

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ξηρό ρύζι (paella) με χταπόδι και μανιτάρια lactarius

Seafood and wild mushrooms are a better combination even than Simon and Garfunkel ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 8€ pp) Rice in Spain occupies…

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ριζότο με γαρίδες, ψητή ντομάτα και μέντα

A luxurious-looking dish with relatively low cost. Could be served as first course of a seafood meal. ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 5 €…

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Ισπανικό ρύζι (παέγια) με μπακαλιάρο και σαφράν

Paella is not the awful frozen peas preparation, sold at the super markets! ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 6€ pp) 400 g dry cod…

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