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Risotto has a basic rule: It is SELF-SAUCED and, therefore, in each dish our main concern is to create a good “sauce” for the rice.

How? But, with the broth, the fat (oil and mainly butter), the rice starchs and the parmesan that will be added at the end of the preparation. And with some other tricks, we ll see in a while.

The fundamental point of the preparation is the quality of the stock. The stock is what will give body and aromas to the preparation. The stock should, obviously, be home made. We also keep in mind that risotto looks more like a thick soup, than a dry rice preparation. There is nothing worse, than a dry risotto.

And what do we do, Mr. Cook, if we do not have home made stock?

– We simply do not make risotto.

And what if we have promised risotto to our partner and she/he has promised us ……… ?

– Then we make our risotto with a court bouillon or even with plain hot water !!!!!!! But NEVER, NEVER; NEVER with disgusting market stocks which will give our preparation an industrial and fake taste and will turn it into a fast food dish, canceling, in practice, any other quality ingredients we have chosen. And, personally, if I were a chick and you prepared for me risotto with this shit, I would not accept your proposals anyway……………………..

(excerpt from the lemma Risotto of the DG book)


Published in Ingredients
