A magnificent healthy dish which can be prepared in just 10 minutes
ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 5 € pp)
- 12 small red mullets
- 3 small horn peppers (one orange, one yellow, one green)
- One small onion
- EV olive oil
- EV sunflower oil
- 20 capers
- 16 small green olives
- 16 small black olives
- juice of 1 lemon
- Coarse salt
Look at this dish. Isn´t it gorgeous?
– Are you admiring yourself, Narcissus?
– No, I am admiring this fantastic dish!
– Which is made by you, of course.
– Fuck off, even a stupid, like you, can prepare this dish. The colours of the ingredients are those who make it beautiful, not the cook´s elaboration. Have in mind that for this dish, the quality of ingredients is crucial, so try to find first class organic olives and, if possible, fresh fish from the Mediterranean sea.
We first put the capers and the olives in plenty of cold water, in order to remove the excessive saltiness and the bad odour of the conservatives. We leave them to soak for an hour, even better if we soak them overnight.
We peel the onion and we cut it horizontally in circles. We clean the peppers and we cut them horizontally in circle slices, removing the seeds.
We preheat a skillet with olive oil and we add the onion and peppers circles. We gently fry them for about 2 minutes and we add the olives, the capers (without the soaking water of course), some more olive oil and 100 ml of water. We lower the temperature and we let simmer till the vegetables become tender, adding water if necessary.
We preheat a wok or skillet with add abundant EV sunflower oil and using high heat we fry 3 red mullets each time. We repeat the procedure with the rest of the fish.
We add the lemon juice into the vegetable mix and we just stir for a moment.
We put on each plate 3 fish and on their top the vegetables and the sauce.
We garnish with fresh mint and coarse salt and we serve.