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Valencian orxata drink

A very refreshing drink with a little bit of chocolate!

ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 1 € pp)
  • 250 g xufa (tiger nut)
  • 1 litre mineral water
  • Honey or sugar, according to taste
  • Chocolate derivatives to garnish and aromatize

Valencia is a splendid Mediterranean city with an excellent cuisine and also excellent traditional music, a local singer Pep Gimeno Botifarra is one of my best ones. When he sings, whole buildings can fall down!!!!!!

Xufa or tiger nut is very common in Valencia. They prepare with it many things among them the famous Orxata Valenciana, a marvellous refreshing drink. Let’s try to prepare it together.

First of all, we wash and rehydrate the xufa covering it with plenty of water for 24 hours, remembering to change the water every 8 hours. During this period of time the xufa must be in the fridge. Passed this time, we rub with our hands the xufa trying to remove any dirtiness.

We put the xufa in the blender with just 100 ml of water, we blend well and then we add the rest of the water. We put the mixture in the fridge for at least 2 hours to facilitate aromas exchange and then we strain it with a fine chinois. We add honey or sugar, according to taste, and we mix again to dilute them.

We serve the orxata always very very cold in glasses with chocolate borders. Don’t worry it is very easy. We just have to melt the chocolate at about 50 Celsius degrees and we insert the glasses in the melted chocolate. That’s all!!!

We can preserve the already made orxata in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Published in BEVERAGES
