How many of us “dogfathers” and “dogmothers” have not once wondered if it is enough to offer our four-legged child just dry food or, conversely, to enrich the diet, more or less, with freshly cooked one?
This, of course, is a question to which only experts can answer responsibly and we are not those who will guide you about this crucial thing. What is undoubtful, however, is that providing healthy and proper nutrition, as it is meant, is very important for our beloved children.
But come on, apart from the nutritional point of view of this issue, there is also the issue of pleasure, as it also happens with the human nutrition!
Doesn’t our child have the right to enjoy something more “gourmet” than usual, or is it obliged to eat boring dry or canned food every day?
Personally we hate the moment when our dog comes next to the table and stares at us, probably saying: “Hey mommy and daddy, I also have a soul”
NO, NO, we DO NOT recommend feeding our dogs with leftovers which contain salt, pepper, spices, onions, etc. – this is not appropriate in any case!
What we say is that we can, from time to time, offer our dog something special: a handmade, fresh and healthy delicacy. Always taking into account the needs of our dog, and having – mainly – added plenty of love !!!
So, from this column we will present you tasty suggestions for our beloved children, ALWAYS having in mind the guidelines formulated by veterinarians, dog nutritionists and reliable reference sources verified in the literature.
The responsible of the column will be -who else- Nuri, the public relations manager of DG, who left us no choice:
“Either you give me a column with gourmet suggestions for my friends, or I abandon the editorial team”
And how else could the DG column for dogs be called?
But, of course, DOGocratic Gourmet!
P.S. DOGocratic Gourmet is dedicated to Woody, our first dog, which has left us 2 years ago, being very very old for his size. Woody, our angel, we will always love you