Meanwhile, on Venice beach in Los Angeles …………………….
– Hey Ray, could you lend me 5 bucks please?
– Again? You still owe me 200!!
– I wanna drink some beers, man, I need it and I don´t even have a cent.
– Never mind, I am gonna buy you some. Come on!
– Let´s go to Olivia´s, it´s just two minutes walk.
– Aren´t you ashamed, Jim? They have kicked you out last week, don´t you remember?
– It´s OK, buddy, Oli is a friend of mine. I wanna tell you something.
– About what? I have no more money, I am warning you.
– Don´t worry, it is not a matter of money. I have just written some songs and I just wanted to show them to you. You are a fucking good musician, you know I admire you, man.
Hi Oli, two frozen Buds please.
– What did you write, you know a fuck of music. But OK, go on.
– “Let’s swim to the moon, let’s climb through the tide, penetrate the evening that the city sleeps to hide.”
– Oli, two more please. What was this? Not bad at all!!! I would say it is really interesting!!!!! You also have a velvety voice. Fuck!!!!!
– I am not a singer, man
– You are really good. Does the song have a title?
– Of course. Moonlight drive. Did you really like it?
– Yeap. What are you doing tomorrow? Would you have a visit to our tiny studio? I am gonna introduce you to John, our band´s drummer, he is a pretty good guy. But don´t come drunk or stoned, we will have to do some job.
– John who? Densmore? Your brothers´ friend? He is crazy, he is meditating all the time!!!
– Cool man, John is OK and also a very good drummer. And my brothers are already in New York, they have quitted the band as they wanna study. I am searching for a new singer for the band. And a new guitarist. John told me he knows one. His name is Robbie Krieger. He will also come tomorrow.
– I ´ll be there man, I hope so. I first have to finish my dissertation on a book by Aldus Haxley.
– Which one?
– The DOORS of perception
– Nice title, I like it. So, I am waiting you, tomorrow.
– You ´d better wait for the sun, man.

(to be continued)