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dg´s parents

The last time I had been in London, I was 22 years old. Having stayed in the English capital for several months, I had managed to get a large sample of its everyday cuisine, which I found as strange as cricket, the Royal family, the Status Quo band and the karaoke nights.

I will never forget the burnt chicken fillets, the dry liver with bacon (I always wondered how much drier it would be if it didn’t have bacon), the hard to cut dirty kidney pies, the roast beef garnished with overboiled and discolored peas, the cold, stale and wrapped in nylon sandwiches and many other.

Completely disgusting were also the “Italian restaurants” in London – where I often resorted hoping to eat something …….. eatable. Alas! The British had adapted to their own tastes even the Italian cuisine, which I had already known well in its original version, as a student at Italian Universities.

Let me clarify that nowadays the situation in England has drastically changed. Great British cooks have conquered the world and British cuisine has gone to another level and acquired its own identity.

A few years later and having already immersed myself in the southern Italian cuisine, mainly, even if at the level of a passionate amateur cook, in one of hundreds of my visits to the historical bookstore of Eleftheroudakis in Athens, I came across a yellow book with title The River Café Cookbook two…………….

(excerpt from the lemma DG´s parents of the DG book)


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