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beetroot carpaccio with mozzarella, pistachio and orange rinds

A fresh and perfumed salad which can be made very easily and take part as a first dish in a multi course menu!

ingredients for 4 servings (cost about 3 € pp)
  • 4 mozzarellas of 100g each
  • 1 small beetroot per person
  • EV Olive oil
  • First quality vinegar from white wine
  • 1teaspoon honey
  • Salt
  • Pistachios
  • Orange rinds
  • Coarse black pepper

Salads are not only those nasty preparations with lettuce and mayo, but also fancy dishes which satisfy eye and palate. Salads are the sexiest food, colourful, light, gentle and well perfumed, a provocation to continue the meal!

Salads can also offer an alternative for a meal, whenever we do not want to raise the temperature in the kitchen, something very useful during the hot summer months.

For today’s dish we peel the beetroots and then, BEING EXTREMELY CAREFUL, we cut with a mandolin slicer (or a very sharp knife) in very thin slices.

We make a quick, light, and relatively sweet vinaigrette (2 parts oil, 1 part vinegar, salt plus 1 teaspoon of honey).

We add the vinaigrette, we mix well, but carefully, so as not to break the tender beet slices and we put them in the fridge to let them marinate for about 2 hours.

We pat dry the mozzarellas, trying to remove all the external liquid. We put each one on a plate and we drizzle with abundant oil. We add some salt and pepper over it.

We arrange the beetroot slices, the crushed pistachio and the orange rinds around the mozzarella and we serve immediately.


Published in SALADS
